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I am unable to NOT write about this

Hi all! There is one thing about CVI that I couldn't not write about on here. While I completely understand why this term is talked about...

Opening up

Hello all! I'm very sorry about the long blog pause on my end..., a lot has been going on. I thought I would write about a couple things...

All in one!

I know I put up a post yesterday, but today I saw something that made me think. Please don’t get me wrong, I 1000% understand why people...

Facts about CVI - and people who doesn’t believe

Hi all! I know probably a lot of you know about this, but I found some facts about CVI that I had to share, I feel a bit belittled...

Haven't blogged in a long time! Two important things

Hi all! Sorry for this super long time not blogging, things have been a little hectic around here. I thought I would explain two...

This makes me feel so sad and angry

Hey guys, I know I posted a blog yesterday, but I saw something and just had to say something. This comment that many people say ,, You...

What do I do when my vision does not cooperate with me?

Hello everyone! So, someone asked a question that I thought I could answer with a blog post. What do I do when my vision shuts down?...

Black & white.... basic for you- poison for us! :P

Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting for so long, now I am back on it, since summer holidays have started for me. In this post I wanted...

Woha,wait.... ! I actually AM legally blind!!

I'll have to admit that I, on a regular basis, often forget I'm legally blind. When I walk around in my apartment or at my music academy...

CVI and travelling - my experiences

Hey everyone - sorry for long blog pause- a lot has been going on lately. So - in this post I'll be highlighting my experiences while...

My friend the white cane

Many people that see me walking around with the cane ask me why I use it. I usually just respond ,, because I'm legally blind". It's hard...

My journey with CVI

I was born on the 16th of september in 1991. My mom often told me this story of how I entered the world as it is quite unusual. Mom, a...

CVI and sensitivity to sound - an advantage or not?

Imagine waking up one day and every single sound you hear suddenly becomes overwhelmingly uncomfortable. Even the little sounds. Someone...

CVI and migraines

This post is a little similar to the last one, about visual fatigue - but not entirely. I was diagnosed with migraines when I was about...

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