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Woha,wait.... ! I actually AM legally blind!!

Writer: Dagbjört AndrésdóttirDagbjört Andrésdóttir

I'll have to admit that I, on a regular basis, often forget I'm legally blind. When I walk around in my apartment or at my music academy I don't use my cane at all, just keep it in my bag. However when walking around outside, I have to use the cane. I had a moment just recently where I was going over the street to school. I thought ,,well, I might just walk over here without the cane, I've walked here countless times". Realized two seconds later, it wasn't a good idea, because I stumbled right on the street. Luckily no cars were driving by. I think I have bumped into a hole in the pavement or something... but here I thought - oh right... I actually AM legally blind".

Another thing, is when I'm on stage, singing. Right now I'm rehearsing a huge role in an opera show in May. The show is very demanding physically - ( a lot of wrestling, running, jumping, yelling, etc. etc. - btw I LOVE it). Last week I ,, forgot my situation" again - and fell! No harm done though, I just thought it was funny :)

I must emphasize that I CAN both sing and act at the same time, although it is SUPER hard for me. I just love it so much I make it work :) But then again I also bring tools for me to be able to function - just as in travelling. Lot's to eat and drink, painkillers etc. etc.

As I read text, from a book or computer f.x. - I can forget my problems easily. Then I switch to ( trying to )read music notes or numbers - ... bam, there it hits me. I go up a flight of stairs ... no problem. Go down again .... completely another story. Until someone says ,, look at the........ - I might have forgotten it. This sentence brings be right back to my problem. That's why ,, Look at the ....... " should never be said to a CVI person.

As I can pretty easily forget my visual impairment, it is waaay easier for someone else to forget it. Which is completely normal. I have experienced people reminding themselves of my blindness in the midst of a conversation with me. It can be frustrating, I will admit, but it's also normal.

However, when I say ,, forget" - I actually mean that I just stop thinking about it ,, in the heat of the moment". Not actually forgetting hehe

You might ask ....,, but how is it possible to forget that you're legally blind?"

Well you see, I was born like this so I don't have the comparison to a ,, typically sighted person". This is my typical. Being diagnosed late in life, like me, also affects this. I didn't have to think about the term ,, you are blind" for the first 26 years of my life - I'm still getting used to it!

So, don't sweat it if you forget that someone you know has CVI - just remind yourself right away when it hits again :)


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